March 18, 2019
We’re always talking to people about making sure you take time out to just be with each other and have fun making memories, but we aren’t always the best at taking our own advice.
I don’t know about you guys but for me I have these very obvious moments in our lives where I look at our girls and think when exactly did you suddenly get so much older and then I stop and feel that overwhelm of just how quickly life goes by while we are doing all the responsible adult things.
It’s these moments when we stop and pull up the pictures or the videos we’ve taken over the years and look through them with the girls and tell the stories of the moments that we now know go by so fast.
So I guess what I’m trying to say is whenever you can stop, take a minute, be in the moment and make the memories and if you’re crazy forgetful like me capture these moments so that in 1,2, 5 or 10 years time you can reminisce and share the story again to keep it alive.
This why on this day we decided it would be fun to pop confetti poppers and keep these moments with our girls – and let’s be honest who doesn’t love confetti poppers 🙂