Is there anything cuter than a baby in a bib tuxedo – I don’t know but I think this guy is pretty hard to beat. I’ve been hanging out with little L for a while now and honestly, his cheeky smile still melts my heart every.single.time! We started out with some quizzical looks while he […]

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These crazy kids are some of my fav people. Dylan is handsome, funny and loves Michaela to bits and she is a gorgeous soul inside and out with a sense of humor that left me in stitches. When we asked these guys if they wanted to come and hang out me, in true form they […]

We’ve know Tenille and Andrew for such a long time now. We first met them back when Craig filmed Tenille’s brother’s wedding, then we filmed theirs and now we can proudly call them our friends. Gotta say that is the absolute best part of our job – meeting amazing humans and sharing such special moments […]

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