May 12, 2020
We know how tough it is running a small business and wearing all the hats during the best of times but COVID 19 has really thrown a spanner in the works and forced many of us to look at new ways to continue to stay in touch with our clients and customers.
With so many many of our favourite small businesses providing to our community in the Macarthur we wanted to make sure that we get the word out for the Small Business Grants that both Campbelltown and Camden Council have put together to help our businesses adapt and continue during this crazy time of change.
If you own a small business in the Campbelltown LGA you could be eligible for up to $2000 in grants to help you develop and/or improve your e-commerce capabilities, online/digital and social marketing; and/or business plan.
The Campbelltown Council Website lists the following as possible options that the grant could be utilised for
Developing or enhancing your business website |
Expansion of business into e-commerce/online shopping |
Undertaking paid business improvement courses/coaching or advice for business planning and/or improvement |
Pivoting of product/service offer to take advantage of emerging opportunities |
Business planning/business improvement course or advice or coaching. |
As always there is a criteria that you’ll need to meet to be able to access the funds and you can check out all the details on their application page here:
If you run a Small Business in the Camden LGA you have some great options available to you. They have two main grants on offer at the moment with applications closing for one on the 14th May 2020 so you’ll need to get in quick.
You can apply for up to $2000 to help with the urgent costs of running your business -think payroll, rent, and utility bills. This one has applications closing on the 14th of May 2020 so you’ll need to get onto this straight away.
Camden has also given their local small businesses a huge opportunity with the possibility of grants of up to $15 000 for their eligible small businesses to help ease the strain of moving your business digital. Council mentions funds may be used for but not limited to, purchase of software or digital hardware, website development, the innovation of processes, or engagement of third parties to provide services supporting businesses.
The council has included all the details of the grant eligibility and criteria that you’ll need to meet on their website here:
Each grant will require you to include some supporting documents including quotes from the businesses you’ll need to engage for any services or purchases of products. They’ll also take into consideration how much of the funds will be paid to local businesses to help us all that little bit more.
We couldn’t post this up without giving a shout out to some of the local businesses that we use to support our small business and help us keep pushing through.
If you’re looking for some help with Social Media and Online Marketing Louise from Pineapple marketing is your girl. You’ll have no doubt seen her name and face before because not only is she the champion of helping our local small businesses thrive she is also a huge advocate for helping our community in general. If you need a quote or help in this area give her a shout and she’ll help you out with what you need. Contact her here:
The team at Help2U are the best bet for your tech and web development needs. So if you’ve found yourself in a spot needing to get your website moving at a cracking pace or you need to set yourself up with the right gear give Peter and Lisa a call. They pride themselves on helping small businesses with all their IT needs. Contact them here:
Of course, we’re always here to help in any way we can and are more than happy to chat with you about how we can best help you with any digital content you need to get the message out there for your clients and customers.
We can help with:
– Short promo films to showcase who you are and what you do.
– Social media film content that engages your customers and delivers the message you need out there.
– Modern fun headshots so your customers can link a face to the name without feeling like you stepped out of a corporate catalogue.
– Product images to showcase what you have to offer.
– Website content images to help make you stand out from the pack.
If you need us we’re only a call away. You can get Craig on 0414 541 735 or Cass on 0415 304 937