September 3, 2018
This little lady is pretty close to my heart.
Her Mumma is a beautiful friend of mine who I met in what seems both like yesterday and also such a long time ago when we filmed her best friends wedding and then went on to build a beautiful friendship with her (and film her wedding too)
This little girl with her quizzical looks as she takes in every moment of the things and people that surround her make me smile. She makes me take a pause and remember the little things like how much someone can enjoy a strawberry and how interesting a leaf can be when you take the time to really look at it closely.
I travelled out to her home away from home to capture these moments and when I arrived her Mumma had already created the best spot for us to enjoy cake including this amazing teepee play tent made by baby H’s grandma and all the little details to match.
She gave the cake a good go but let’s be real the strawberries won her over… or at least came a close second to the leaf 😉
I hope this little one always stays a little wild and continues to remind me just how awesome it is to see the world through our children’s eyes.